Eli Levine was an undergraduate student at Duke University who majored in economics and minored in statistical science and political science. He began involvement with the American Predatory Lending Project over the summer of 2021 when he, along with Chavez Cheong analyzed mortgage enforcement actions issued by state governments in Massachusetts and Ohio. During the Continue Reading »
As an undergraduate student at Duke University, Sana Pashankar studied computer science and public policy. She contributed to the data analysis and policy analysis teams. She created word clouds that depict the relative ways stakeholders described the financial crisis and executive summaries that depict state legislation/action on the financial crisis.
As a graduate student at Duke University, Sebastián Soriano Pérez completed a Master in Interdisciplinary Data Science. He was the project manager and contributed to the data analysis team. He worked on a project to quantify the impact of North Carolina’s 1999 predatory lending law on the subprime mortgage market.
As an undergraduate student at Duke University, Justina Zou studied statistical science and computer science. From 2019-2020, she worked on the data analysis team and website development. Zou was interested in how data can be used to generate insights in policy making and regulatory efforts.
As an undergraduate at Duke University, Ahana Sen studied mathematics and computer science. From 2019-2020, she worked on the data analysis and web development teams. She was interested in the way that data can be combined with personal narratives to provide clarity to complicated concepts like predatory lending.
As an undergraduate student at Duke University, Cameron Polo studied economics, finance, and psychology. From 2019-2020, he worked on data analysis and website development. Polo was interested in the secondary mortgage market and the role that mortgage-related securitized products and asset classes played in magnifying the global financial crisis.
As a graduate student at Duke University, Kate Coulter was a Master of Interdisciplinary Data Science candidate. Kate was the project manager for 2019-2020 and served as a data analysis lead and marketing team member. Kate was interested in analyzing the media’s role in how the global financial crisis is remembered today.
As an undergraduate student at Duke University, Arjun Bakshi studied economics and psychology with a minor in computer science. He contributed to the data analysis and policy analysis teams. He worked on creating executive summaries that combine both the data visualizations and housing legislative timelines for states.
As an undergraduate student at Duke University, Collins Abanda studied computer science with a minor in cultural anthropology. Within the APL team, Collins worked on data analysis and web development. Specifically, his work focused on drilling down to individual county and census tract-level data to assess trends in lending across regions given certain characteristics of Continue Reading »
As an undergraduate student at Duke University, William Zhao studied economics with a concentration in financial economics and mathematics. He contributed to the data analysis and business analysis teams, and he studied the evolution of mortgage underwriting and the state-level mortgage markets.
A graduate student at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, Malena Lopez-Sotelo was enrolled in the MBA program with concentrations in finance and marketing analysis and strategy. She contributed to the data analysis and oral history teams. She worked on data analysis and visualization efforts that delve deeper into state mortgage market dynamics as well Continue Reading »
As an MBA student at Duke University, Michael Dymond completed his MBA degree with a focus in economics and finance. He contributed to the data analysis and business analysis teams. Michael worked on projects including case studies on banks that faltered during the financial crisis and text analytics on the trove of oral history materials Continue Reading »
As an undergraduate student at Duke University, Joseph Edwards studied economics and computer science. Within the APL team, he worked on data analysis and technology teams. Edwards was interested in using data to tell a story that is bolstered by first-person testimonials.
As an undergraduate student at Duke University, Despina Chouliara studied mathematics and economics. Within the APL team, she worked on data and legislative analysis. Raised in Greece, Chouliara was interested in deepening her knowledge of the causes of the 2008 crisis, considering the Great Recession triggered Greece’s severe economic crisis.
As an undergraduate student at Duke University, Jett Hollister studied electrical/computer engineering and computer science. Within the American Predatory Lending team, he worked on data analysis and management. Hollister was interested in how the language of economists and financial pundits reflected the depreciation of the subprime mortgage market.